March 22, 2005

I've made it..!!

At laaassstt..... i managed to put my picture on my blog....ahahhahaha. Thanks to nadya who have taken the lovely picture...

What's more... ??

I've also have links to my friends blog.

Sorry guys...take me so long to put ur link... haven't had much time nowdays to explore. There's many things to try and explore but haven't had time yet.....maybe sooooonnnn. Aahahhahaa


y cannot see ur photo? Nampak tanda X jer...ada kesilapan berlaku di situ?

Yup.. cannot see la.. invisible kot..:D

Nway, well done! at least there's some progression.. he he

aisehhh...cannot see meh..?? come..? I can see it cleary form my pc... did I upload it wrongly...?
