August 18, 2010

Be careful of what you eat...

Last month I watched dvd - Food's a documentary about food industry in US.

OMG..!! OMG..!! OMG..!! Seriously after watching it....i didn't feel to eat chicken, meat and fast food AT ALL....!! And not even process food..... so scary i tell u....

Actually this entry is not about the review, but the "bang" to me after watching it. For more info on the movie, you can visit

What happen to me after watching it..

1) I'm being more conscious of what I'm eating
2) Try to cook healthy meals - less oil, salt, nak rebus2 or grill ajer
3) And more important I'm starting to read labels.... hahhhaaa. Slalu tgk level sugar berapa, mostly for drinks
4) And lately byk telan air kosong jer....

Surprisingly....healthy food eg organic food is more expensive than fast food.. For RM 7.99 you can only buy organic cabbage.....or a complete meal set at McD.. For the same price you get the bread, cabbage, meat, tomato and soft drinks..... hahahahaaaa. And how easily we be fooled..!!

What better option that we have ....if the price of our consumer goods is pretty much expensive... Milk, sugar, meat, poultry, rice....( mahalll kan...nie pon aku tak puas hati gak..? Pesal nak mahal..!! ) The only option and easy solution for orang2 yang low income and tak sempat nak masak..... Fast food jer thru lagi....hummmmm

Now, it's all making sense why lately....byk penyakit yang pelik2....means org2 dulu takder pon penyakit cam nie... In fact, org tua2 dulu lagi nampak sihat dah gagah...

It's actually our food..what we consume on daily basis...

My point is....tak guna laaa kalo dah sakit baru nak control of what we're eating... If you can control now and minimize the impact why wait??..... maybe you can start slowly. Certainly organic food is quite expensive, but looking at positive long term effect...maybe it's worth to consider...


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Along selalu teringin nak beli organic tapi En Rashid cakap..mahal!! Heeee...memang beza harga dia mencanak sket la..tapi like you said..maybe sebab kita x jaga makan la, penyakit macam2 dah mai.