August 21, 2010

Kenapa air nie raser sangat sedap ek...??

Last week, for 3 days in a row I bought this juice for berbuka. Mmg sgt best lah air nie...

Not that sweet, compared to Twister....Mmg sangat raser orange lahh. Pendek kata memang sedappppp..!!

Suddenly, something trigger in my mind... " Asal laaa sgt sedap air nie, mesti ader taruk aper2 "

Then, I started to read the labels...

1) I discovered that this product is under Coca - cola company
- What...? Under coca cola...? Kompem sugar level dier tinggi cam coke...

2) Then, I read the nutrition facts...Mmg kompem sugar dier tinggi...!! 25.4 okay for 240ml....

Hummmm, sama macam minum coke jugak lah kan.... So after that, I've stop buying this juice. Bukan laa banned...tapi minum sekali sekala shud be okay laaa. Bukan lah hari2 kan...

At first, raser cam sgt sihat laaa minum air nie hari2...sebab orange juice kan. Dalam hati...wahh, bagus, sihat lepas nie sebab byk vitamin C sebab orange..

After realizing the facts...I compared to a few brands. Even Twister yang raser sgt manis tuh pon, the sugar level is not as high as this one. Same goes to Lipton drinks, the sugar level is not that high.

But, ader satu brand - Pokka ker aper....the sugar level pon is actually quite high...can't remember the readings...but mmg tinggi..!

Hummmm, since lately I'm more conscious on my health mmg sekarang selalu baca the sugar level. Anything that is higher than 10...mmg tak beli dah. Pendek kata, lately sgt jarang nak beli air gas ker, dalam botol ker whatever. Just drink plain water...

I'm not asking you guys to ban this juice.... I'm just sharing what I found. The facts is well written. It's up to you guys....Do the comparison and calculation..

Kalo nak mati tuh mati jugak...kalo nak sakit tuh sakit jugak kan...hhhahahahaa :P.. But again, if we can control and minimize the risk...u have nothing to loose rite... :)


wah bagus la Apit ...kalau ai pun misti ingat orange juice nih bagus ...mmg takkan baca label la .

Pas nih ai mmg akan sentiasa baca label sebelom membeli ...

thanks for sharing