Ok again....post basi gilerr.. Tapi since masih teringat2 nie... better tulis kat sini, before rasa sakit tuh ilang... hahahaha :P
- Today is my check up day, before my gynea nak pergi bercuti. Since the expected date (13/12/12 awal 10 hari, ikut time fayyadh lahir) tuh my gynea cuti...so today's check up is quite important for me and also the baby. If everything is okay, and baby tak kuar awal, my last date of check up is on 22/12/12 and the EDD is 23/12/12.
- Since early of the morning, raser cam tak selesa sket...... the contraction pun is very very very mild. But since ada check up and ada raser sakit sket, we all just prepare the bags to pack up. Just in case doc nak tahan ker aper kan.
- During check up everything was okay. Alhamdulillah....told the doc that I felt the uneasy condition. According to the doc - I haven't dilate yet...but was advised to stay nearby. Jgn gie jalan jauh2...hehehee
- So since tak kena tahan...we all headed home. Singgah kat Jusco Balakong untuk beli all Fayyadh's school preparation - baju, beg, kasut semualah..... sebab takut tak sempat dah pas nie.
- Still feeling uneasy, tapi malas sgt nak layan..so balik rumah just rest. Rasa nak sgt makan udang ngan petai, since malas nak layan sgt raser sakit tuh... so I planned to cook sambal udang petai, sawi masak air and ikan goreng for dinner. So aku gagahkan juga pergi membeli brg2 tuh di market....( mmg agak beria nak masak ) Sebab nanti dalam pantang dah tak leh nak makan best2 dah kan.. hahaha
- Since keadaan saya agak macam kenderaan berat, so masak pon rilek2 jer laaa..tak terkejar2. Penat berdiri, masak laaa sambil duduk kan...hahahaaa. Almost 9pm the dinner and table was ready. So there we are, the 3 of us enjoying our dinner...... And Ummi yang paling beria makan okay, siap licin sambal udang tuh..mmg sgt beria.
- At 10pm went upstair....ingat nak rehat baring jap before taking a shower. Mmg raser letih sgt...tapi ku gagahkan juga pergi ke shower. Tak selesa rasernya nak terus tido ngan badan berminyak2 pas masak. Bila buang air tuh, time nak flush rasernya terpandang ader sikit darah dekat toilet bowl. Checked if I have any bleeding, takder plak....So continued shower as usual. Biler dah settle mandi, nak melangkah keluar dari toilet..i heard the "POP" sound and that moment I'm not sure if that the sound of air ketuban yg pecah. Tapi ader air yg meleleh kuar (dgn banyak) biler nak buang air. So quickly told Mr.mcStreamy and we decided to visit the hospital again. Sempat mandikan fayyadh and siapkan beg dier. Since my mom and lil bro is away, no one to look after Fayyadh kan. Managed to get help from my cousins and luckily Fayyadh pon agreed to stay over their house
- Arrived Sunway Medical just before midnite. McSteamy send me straight away to emergency. Told Fayyadh that maybe it's about time for me to delivered the baby. Hug him tightly and said that Aunty Nani will come over and looked after him. And actually that was my last moment seeing him as my little baby boy...sob sob sob.
- Sedih, sakit and confused. That was the mixed up feeling when they send me to the delivery suite on the wheelchair. Sedih sebab tinggalkan Fayyadh sensorang, my mom and lil bro cannot be with him. Sakit sebab rasa contraction. tp tak sakit sgt....kompius sebab, doc check pagi tadi cakap okay...lambat lagi nak bukak.
- The staff do all the necessary preparation. Check air ketuban...(it supposed to be clear watery) but mine air ketuban yang keluar agak kotor. And at that moment I'm already 4cm dilated. Waiting patiently for my gynea to arrived to further examined me. Time tuh mmg dah byk air ketuban keluar. tapi the colouring agak kotor!
- It's passed midnite. My anesthetist is already there...to brief me on the procedure. My gynea arrived a bit late. Yes, I have to undergo the c-sect procedure. The baby already poop inside and eventho I have dilated 4cm, my gynea don't want to take any risk to me and even the babe. Air ketuban yg keluar makin lama makin kotor....so dikhuatiri masuk paru2 baby plak.
- The decision have to be made. McSteamy agak senyap and terkesima. I asked the doc which option is the fastest recovery... So I'm agreed to undergo half-body precedure and sign the form.Both me and McSteamy agak speecehless, don't know what to say and what to expect...since this is first time for us...and agak emergency. But apa2 pon we pray hard that the baby will be okay.
- The nurse prepped me for the operation. I have to remove my contact lense. So penglihatan agak blur2...maklom laaa rabun! Sumer berlaku dengan agak pantas... macam dikire emergency jugak nie..Aku tak ingat if the nurses ader cucuk kat belakang ker aper, but yg paling ingat is dier cucuk lubang kecing... Itu mmg sakit giler, raser cam nak sepak jer...hahahaa. Deep down agak frust tak dapat bersalin normal, but apa2 pon it's the best.
- As soon as the nurses ready, I was send to the OT. Since both of us agak2 blur (sebab semua berlaku dgn agak cepat dan pantas) aku tak sempat nak salam, cium tangan McSteamy and kiss him. Nak mintak maaf pon x sempat kan...hummm. McSteamy send me to the door and was not allowed to enter the OT..huhuhuuhuuuu
First time in the OT
- Errr mmg saspen. Being alone, half naked and with stranger mmg raser saspen gilerrrr!!! ... I can't remember when I started to feeling numb. The anesthetic doc keep talking to me and explain what are they doing to me to keep me awake and calm. I do feel that my lower abdomen been tucked here and there. The gynea siap tanya " Fiza, awak rasa apa2 tak..? " I just reply...entah laaa doc, raser mcm ader sesuatu di bawah tuh.. hahahaaaa. Raser mcm perut ditekan2 dan ditolak2....all happend in a few minutes. Tak lama lepas tuh dengar the baby was crying, one of the nurse show me the baby and confirmed it's a girl....Alhamdulillah, Syukur
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Hummm, macam nie laaa rupernye lebih kurang time operation hrtuh |
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