February 22, 2013

An Over Whelming 2013

Yerrr, mmg sgt, sgt, sgt overwhelmed. This post is supposed to be publish earlier on....but as I've said, sooooooooooooooo overwhelm sampai dah overdue.. hahahahaa

As i'm just learning to adjust my life with my co- star - Baby Luna and plus still berpantang, Abang Fayyadh pulak baru nak masuk skolah.... phewwwww mmg agak kronik.

Baby Luna 1st day at home
But, Alhamdulillah my mom was there to help me through for the first 3 weeks.

I've missed Fayyadh's orientation and also his first day at school :(. Just merisik2 khabar from my mom and Mr. McSteamy...others I just can imagine how he's doing at school.

So glad Fayyadh is doing well during his 1st day. Actually he's pretty much excited to go to school.

Fayyadh during Standard 1 Orientation day
Owhh, Fayyadh also already turn 6....since Ummi still berpatang mmg tak celebrate sgt pon. That will be postponed later okay :)

Sleep...? Dah mmg x cukup.... Bayangkan baru lepas breastfeed Baby Luna around 4am....tidur kejap and then wake up at 6am untuk siap2kan Abang Fayyadh pulak. Mmg agak pening pas tuh...

That was before.....

But now slowly I'm okay with it but still struggling.

Both need attention, mmg sumtime gune khidmat 1 tgn. Satu tgh tepuk fayyadh to sleep, satu tgn breastfeed Baby Luna...hahhaaa

Buah hati pengarang jantung sayaaaaaaa :)
But above all, I cannot make it through without support and help from Mr. McSteamy. Half of the duty menjaga Baby Luna is taken care by him, since he is the walking and standing pillow.... hhahaahaa !  If I haven't said enough - thanks luv for your help, support and understanding. Sgt sgt menghargai....

Luv, luv, luv. Our new bundle of joy ...

Till then.... babai