January 19, 2005

Bye Bye.... Edwin..!

Today at office we have farewell " makan - makan " for our dearest colleagues, Edwin. He will going to further his study at Perth, Australia - wants to continue his master in Filming and Video for 1 and half years..

Waaa....how I envy him. How I wish that I can further my study too....

But.... can I ? Can my brain still function - to accept all the lectures, test, notes......blahblaahh...

Alahai....rasernyer dah berkarat dah otak aku nie...

To edwin - I wish you Good Luck and All the Best. Moga2 dah balik nanti boleh laaa ko ajar aku pulak pasal filming nie.... Insyaallah, kalo ader rezeki aku akan melawat ko kat saner.... honeymoon yang ke 2 ker 3 ker...... ihihihiih :P