September 25, 2004

Pocket PC, Palm OS... Which one is better..?

Interested to by it but dunno which.My fren just bought Acer Pocket PC around RM900. Test it and hmmmm not bad... But I interested to but that Zire72 palmOne... But he said Palm Os cannot create or edit words. He suggested to buy pocket pc - hp. So went to Mines IT center last week. Got hooked up at one shop which sell the Zire72. Asked the guy so many question until that guy pon dah fenin dah. I explore everthing.. can edit and create words and excel as well. I like it... and the price also reasonable - RM 1228.With camera, bluetooh and web browser. He offered me RM 1300 with free casing and memory card...HMMMMMMMM quite a good offer, but i think i need to survey more maybe at LOW YAT PLAZA. My budget around RM 1500.

Hubby got jelous.. hehehhee..! He is interested to buy that o2.... but the price are damn expensive...

Anybody have experience on these two..? Can you advise .... thanks