December 31, 2008

SMS yang menginsafkan...

Received this SMS last Monday.

" Selamat menyambut Tahun Baru - Maal Hijrah. Semoga beroleh hidayah dan rahmat dari Allah "

And guess it from who...???

It's from my Chinese male friend okay.....

Terus aku rasa insaf jap and malu pada diri sendiri...Tahun Baru Maal Hijrah takder sorang pon nak wish....and the only sms came from this Chinese guy.. and not even from my Muslim friend....aduhh jauh nyer kiter, terasa jap aku... I'm sure for this coming new year wish....sure berlambak2 SMS masuk kan..

So, i decided not to wish or sms anynone on new year 2009...It seems aku dah terlepas calender islam....yg ader skang is budaya tah maner2 tah...

Insaf, insaf.....


what u said is of my frend sent me the Maal Hijrah wish but im not reply her i will do the same like u..WILL NOT wish for new year 2009 coz we as muslim didnt celebrate our own new year..malunya..MasyaAllah betapa kite muslim yg alpa..

ishhhh aku pun insaf sama...aku dah tag kau wei..sila lihat blog aku..