Hujan lebat itu seakan memahami kesedihan hati ini,
Ribut taufan itu seakan memahami jiwa yang sedang bergelora,
Petir dan kilat yang sabung menyabung itu juga seakan memahami perasaan marah yang ada dalam diri ini....
Jika alam seakan - akan memahami...
Kenapa tidak manusia....??
DFS Ep. 02 - Cara Hadapi Kereta Tenggelam
3 years ago
salam apit. I am actually really feeling what you are feeling at this moment. Just found out that hubby is cheating on me and im trying to find answers. I think that you are so strong. I dont know if i can be that strong. Pray for me that all will go well, insyallah.
aapitz, i am a father - and a husband. i am sorry about what happened to you, and many others like you.
at times, i am no angel either. the most important people in my life are still my family - my wife, my children and my mother. not necessarily in that order all the time. and my extended family.
i have no magic words for you, just keep on living.
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