Fuhhhh....after 2 weeks of "DeepaRaya" holiday, 3 and a half days of work to catch up all the workload left during the holiday....... and here I am in Penang for Broadband Fiesta at Kompleks Bukit Jambul for 3 days of event.
After a long journey that took us ( me, maiz, mimi and husni ) almost 4 and half hours of driving, berbagai2 gaya tido freestyle dalam frontier yang sempit itu, kesakitan pinggang dan punggung yang kematu, melayan lawak2 husni yang tersangat bodoh itu....alhamdulillah, we safely arrived at Penang yesterday evening at 6pm checked-in at Vistana Hotel.
Despite of all the pain and uncomfortable seating, I really enjoyed the scenery. The greenery highway with all the trees and mountains really soothe me down.
Ahhahahaa...dalam hati " Asal laaa highway balik jb tak cam nie...kalo tak sure best kan. Nie tak jalan dier straight gilerrr....bosan btol laaaa." Alasan tak nak balik jb aaa tuh.... Hiiiihihihiihhhii
Day 1 - is more relax and less stressfull. The big boss in not here yet. Yang ader boss kecik jer...which is Mimi. Nothing much that we can do, as the internet is only up and stable only at 4pm. The crowd pon tak ramai sebab Friday kan. Most of the people are working. So most of the time we all just lepak2, makan2 and window shopping...ahahahahhahaaaa. Yessss, window shopping....the things that I hardly ever do if I'm with hubby. Hubby selalu mensaiko.....jgn membazir katanyer.....So dah ader peluang nie tak reti2 lagi ker...?? ahahahahahahaaaa. Tapi memang betullah laaaa....terjebak jugak untuk membeli...ehehheheee. Tapi takper, nak amik hati belikan laaa baju tuk hubby sekali....ihihihiihhhh..
Day 2 - we opened up our booth a little bit late today than yesterday. Most of the outlets in the mall started to operate on 11 am onward. Most of the activities went well. Tapi biler petang sket baru ader takeup org ramai sket and baru hapsenning....I was one of the judges for Karaoke Contest. Ehhehehe...hello jadi judges ker?? boleh ker..?? ....layak ker ?? nak kena comment ker...?? hahahahhaa..usually I refuse to give comments, just put my marks jer on the evaluation form.....sbb raser tak tau nak ckp aper kan...cam tak layak jer nak komen org nyanyi...awak nyanyi pon tah haper2 tahh...eehhee. Hahahhaaa....but this time kena paksa gak soh bagi komen oleh bos vogue tuh laaaaa...so my comment...
" Awak boleh nyanyi, suara sedap...tp cam tak keluar habis laaaaa. Awak nervous ker..? Tapi takper next time usaha lagi yer "
" Awak ader confident, ader gaya dan style tersendiri dan saya rase awak ader lah peserta yang berjaya di sini "
Hehhehee...that are some of the comments given that I still can remember. Ahhahaha..amacam layak ker aku nie jadi judges ??
And that nite, we went out to have our dinner at Nasi Kandar Maqbul...entah laaa I didn't recall the name of the restaurant. But one thing for sure...memang best laaaaa. I ate nasi beriyani, ayam goreng and sotong goreng...all together dlm RM 10.00.....well ok laaa kot ek...?? Tp tak per...bos vogue belanja...ihihihiihh
Day 3 - is the last day of the event. I have the biggest task that I have to handle - which is to be the moderator for Cakap Je ( online chatting ) for Malaysian Idol 1 artist ( Jac, Vick, Rydee and Zamil ). Kind of panicckssss and nervous because this is the first time I be the Moderator.... uwaaaaaaa. Tapi takper, I already prepared the notes...ihiihihih. However, the chatting session was not going so well. 2 times the chatting was disconnected.....well..maybe because of the instability of the connection.... But Ok laa...not bad laaa for the 1st timer moderator....iihihihiih
We finished dismantle the booth at 10.00 pm. Well at that time, we were so tired and lapar and busuk....Nak pergi makan pon tak larat. So we all just tapau jer food...tp nasi kandar jugak laaa...but this time kayu nasi kandar.....Tapi harga dier mmg mahal giler ...!!!! Just imagine....I ate nasi beriyani, ayam goreng and sayur jer.....cost me almost RM8.....wahhh..mmg giler mahal laaa.
Day 4 - is the travelling day - back to KL...yeaaaaa. I missed my hubby already......We planned to took ferry to cross the island. Well this is my 2nd time...so takder laaaa jakun sanagt...ihihihi. But before we went back, sempat jugak laaaa shopping beli asam jeruk dier...peergghhhhh, mmg best laaaa kat chowrasta. Iihihihihihh..mmg giler memborong asam....tak hengat punya borong.....ihiihihhh. We all sempat singgah Tapah - beli jambu batu and jambu air......wahhhh best nyerrr...best nyerrr
Overall - the events and the journey memang best larrr....ihihiihihihh. Another sweet memories in my life.......
Picture will be update soon....
DFS Ep. 02 - Cara Hadapi Kereta Tenggelam
3 years ago
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