Dear Bie,
Happy 2nd Anniversary sayang...
Sorry....I didn't get you anything this time
But I know one thing for sure
Moving to our new dream house
Is the best present ever....
Being 2 years old of marriage
It just like a new greeny leaf
Young, fragile and easily snapped
Still the roots are getting stronger
And stronger everyday....
Even though there are rainy days
Storm and thunder
Drought and dust
The greeny leaf will survive
With the soil of love
And water of understanding
And same goes to us....
Ups and downs
Good times and bad times
Happy and sad moments
We're still holding the roots deep inside
Roots of trust and love
Being 2 years old of marriage,
I still in the process of learning and trying to understand
How to shut up when you getting mad
How to calm down when I'm mad
How to make you happy when you are sad
How and How and How
And.....How to complete you
Being 2 years old of marriage,
I am very very sorry
If I ever hurt you
All my talking and behaviour
All my action and manner
Being 2 years old of marriage,
I know we have been trying to have a child
Maybe the time is not yet to come
Maybe we have not try hard enough
Or maybe we do not have pray enough
Sad, jelousy and pressure
I can feel inside
To see other couple easily get pregnant...
Above all that
I know....
We have each other and you will always be at my side
And we will go through this together......
Happy 2nd Anniversary sayang,
I pray for your happiness, wealth and good health
To be a loyal husband and good leader of the family
And for you to love me, cherish me and take care of me .....
Until the rest of my life......
Love you always..........muahhssss
DFS Ep. 02 - Cara Hadapi Kereta Tenggelam
3 years ago
mana gamba rumah baru.. tak saba nak tgk.. hehehehehe
uwaaaaaaaaaaaa bestnyaaa
aku mau nangis gitu
wah, bermadah nampaknya...hehehehe. Tahniah on ur second anniversary..hope you'll share many more to come.
empayar..tuh laaa, nak update tak sempat2...nanti dah ader..i will post it
sity & along....tq tq..iihihiih. ..nak cakap tak reti, tulis aaa senang sket..
didoakan semoga segala impian terlaksana... semoga impian menimang cahaya mata pon akan termakbul.. jgn risau.. insya Allah.. ada rezeki tuh.. berusahalah..! amin..
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