Happy and terkilan,that was what I felt when I received the news.Syukur Alhamdulillah...perkhabaran bonus yang ditunggu2 selama ini diterima last week.Berita yang ditunggu2 oleh semua warga kerja tmnet....
At last, dpt juga nak merasa bonus 04,walaupun ader ura2 ckp tak dpt. Gembira sesangat dpt bonus, walaupun average jer laaa....tp syukurlah dapat jugak kan. Daripada tak dpt langsung...
Remember my last post regarding my MAPS ? Afterall that I have confront with my boss...... all the talkings and complaining....yeah I did not put much hope that he will change my grade, tapi entah laaa yer macam maner nak ckp yer.....from the perfomance evaluation , it will change a lot.....especially ur salary,ur life, future plan.....it affect a lot, really a lot
Terkilan mmg terkilan. Nampak sgt dier tak amik kisah pasal aper yg we all dah cakap. He did not aware,he did not concern for what we have done. Our contribution, our effort.....dipersia - siakan begitu sahaja. That's the saddest part......money is not an issue here but ur capabiity as a leader. How professional you are. The important thing, is how u appereciated ur staff !
A little bit,it demoralizd me.But I take it as a challenge. To show my capibility and effort. Hope I can do well for this year.If nothing change in future,definitely there's something wrong with my boss..... or he should be replaced...hahahahhaaa
But the best part was, I take it as rezeki nak masuk rumah baru...ehehehee
To all who gets 4 and 5...I congratulate all of you. All ur hardwork and effort have been paid off.Tapi ader jugak desas desus org tak puas hati.. It all depends on your KPI....ehehehe biasa laa tuh. But I think the gap between the numbers is too much laaa...beza byk giler, mmg laa ramai org bising...alahai . To all yang dapat 3....congrats jugak...keep up the good work. Hopefully by this year or next year we will be upgraded... To all who get 2/1 .....so sorry for you guys. Maybe because of the quota or what ever reason it was...your contribution, effort is not being appreciated....takper laaa mungkin rezeki masing2 kann.....sabar lah yerrr...tuhan jer laaa yang maha mengetahui segala....kalo tak dapat kat sini..nanti dapat kat sana pulak...
DFS Ep. 02 - Cara Hadapi Kereta Tenggelam
3 years ago
Itulah, kekadang frust jugak kan. Pikir salah, tak pikir salah. Hmmm...
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