April 13, 2009

Gold Coast Vacation - 2009 ( Part 1 )

Waaaaaa....fayyadh banyak menang laaa dari umie...tak aci, tak aci...ummi umur 30 thn, baru dapat merasa okay....fayyadh baru jer 2 tahun...dah raser cam nie...best nyer.....ahahahaaaaa. Kire ummi fayyadh best aaaaa, bwk fayyadh gie jalan...atok ngan wann..tak best aaa, tak bwk ummi...ahahahahaaaa

Yupp...kali ini ikuti kisah Rombongan Cik Kiah ke Gold Coast....mmg happening...i pun pening...aaahhahaaa...9 Adults, 3 Kids and 2 Infants.....iyer mmg kecoh, sgt kecohh... Went there with fayyadh, my cousins and their parents....

A 6D, 5N vacations.....shopping's heaven and thrilling adventure..!!

Day 1
From LCCT to Coolangatta Airport
Depart from KL pukul 9.40 malam.....Alhamdulillah laa...during take off fayyadh tak menangis and tak byk ragam...tapi biasa aaa tak reti nak dok diam kan dier....nak main jer dier, nak jalan laaaa....aku lantakkan jer...tak kose nak marah2...kang aku gak yg penat and stress...The journey took about 8 hrs....8 hrs okay...mmg naik kematu aaaa bontot aku....tuh baru gie Gold Coast kan..perasan aaa cam nak gie london aa europe laaaa...tuh lagi baper lama laaa nak dok dlm flight kan...tak sanggup rasernyer...Nasib baik jugak laaa journey tuh malam, puas jugak nak soh fayyadh tido....sebab kalo dier tak tido..aku pon tak leh aaa nak tido kan....ahahahaaa

Arriving at Coolangatta airport around 7.50 pagi..Aussie nyer custom agak strict jugak laaa kan..no dairy food, no meats etc...Tapi since we all dah declare 2 bags of food...termasuk susu budak, maggie, biscuit etc...so diaorg tak lah geledah beg kitaorg sgt...Sampai jer, terus gie Harbour Town Factory Outlet....Iyer, giler kan...sampai2 terus shopping...Mmg heaven aaa situ...shopping mmg best....Nike, Adidas, Nine West, Canterbury, FCUK, Esprit....waaa mmg best giler...pastuh ader sales lagi...so mmg giler laa shopping. Tapi maser dier bagi tak lama sbb by 1 pm dah nak kena check in kat Islander Hotel Resort

Surfers Paradise - Islander Hotel Resort & Harbour Town
So, gie laa check in Hotel... Best hotel nie...mmg dekat tgh2 town. Bilik pun ok, ader kitchen...nak masak2 bilik pon besar....So masuk hotel freshen up, mandi2 sumer laa kan. Petang tuh dalam kol 4, kitaorg kuar balik...nak gie Harbour Town nak sambung shopping lagi...ehehhee, boleh tak..? Mmg aaa harus tak puas tadi kan, kejap sgt...So since acara petang tuh is free and easy, so kitaorg ber -4 gie laaa naik bus...sanggup kan..? ahahaa..actually tak susah sangat pon...tanya org lah kan...and bus dier sgt laaa punctual...kat jadual tulis kol 5.15..mmg tepat 5.15 aaa bus sampai.....

Shopping sampai tak sedar diri...we all missed the last bus...kol 6.30. So kitaorg balik naik cab jer laaa...mmg tak susah sgt lah...tak tau..tanya jer org...hehhee. The people are very friendly and kind...tapi ader gak laaa yang sombong kan....

Balik hotel.....makan, then kitaorg kuar balik jalan2 kat bawah...gie Hard Rock Cafe, Surfers Paradise...sambar baju hard rock sehelai dua then lepak2 makan aiskrim...iissshh ice cream dier mmg best laaaaa....satu scoop pun puas nak habiskan..mmg byk gilerrrr.....

Dalam flight...

Rombongan Cik Kiah....arrving at Coolangatta Airport

At one of the street....tgh cari bus stop

Fayyadh...happily playing around, time nie tgh tunggu bus

At Harbour Town.....Fayyadh yg dah keletihan tido, Ummi syiookk shopping

At Hard Rock Cafe, Surfers Paradise...

Yeaaaa...the clans

Night scenery...from my room

End of day 1..... to be continued


seronotnya babe.....sure fayyadh enjoice gilos nisss......enjoy urself dear...u deserve it...