office we have a health talk....Why...? The reason - one of my collegue was diagnosed with TiBi..... ( alerr lupa plak nama scientific dier...tuh lerr asik tgk muka doctor yang ensem tuh kann...n dalam hati aku sempat plak cakap...ader jugak doc yg hensem....terus nak buat2 sakit lah kan.... doc saya tengah sakit nie...sakit hati, sakit kepala, sakit kat sini, sakit kat situ.... ahahahhhahahaaaaa ) sorry....ter off side kejap...ihihiihii..owwh lupa nama dr tuh is dr. Azrul....hehhee
So, what it has to do with us..?? Since my dear friend has been contagious with as the co-workers - people who are close to him, have daily contact with him in the same office is advisable to go for a screening too... because Tibi is easily spread through airbone droplets eg - sneezing or coughing. So...maybe we have a higher risk in getting effected too...
What we need to do for screening :
a) Chest X-ray
b) Mantoux test - a standard dose of 5 Tuberculin units is injected intradermally (into the skin) and read 48 to 72 hours later. A person who has been exposed to the bacteria is expected to mount an immune response in the skin containing the bacterial proteins. The reaction is read by measuring the diameter of induration (palpable raised hardened area) across the forearm (perpendicular to the long axis) in millimeters. If there is no induration, the result should be recorded as "0 mm".
c) Sputum AFB - Sputum is phlegm, thick mucus that is coughed up from the lungs. We need to collect three early morning samples (on consecutive days) in individual sterile cups.
What is the sign and symptoms
a) Coughing that last for three days or more and produced blood
b) Weight Loss
c) Fever - especially at nights
d) Night sweats
e) Lost appetite
f) Felling pain when breathing or coughing far I didn't have the sign....yet...But still kena go for check up jugak..
In Malaysia, every new born baby will get immunization for BCG, and later when we're standard 6... right we already have an immunization up to 80% to 90%..And in fact the chances of getting effected is very minimal....
However, since the immigrant from Indonesia, Bangladesh, Myanmar etc...has increased has contribute as one of the factor. can easily spread through air in average of 1 person per second.... So..we have a higher risk in getting it... first time or two...maybe we are not easily effected....but our immunization toward it already reduce...then tambah plak ngan faktor persekitaran yang terdedah dengan bangsa2 asing nie...yang tah dari mana2....nak2 plak kalo ader close contact dengan mmg lagi senang lah nak kena kan...
Some facts about TB :
a) In Malaysia, is the highest causes of death which contribute about 17%
b) It is a life threatening infection
c) It is originate from Tropical country and 3rd world country
d) Minimun treatment for TB patient is 6 months
So.... if raser cam ader tanda2....and have close contact with someone who have contagious with TB, it is advisable to go for a check-up
Other interesting info to share :
a) Our heart is the same size as our fist.
b) In Malaysia, canser is the 3rd cause of death after heart diseases
Hummm....itu saje lah class kiter untuk hari ini yer... Sekian terima kasih.. hehehhe
p/s : Mr.S dah boleh masuk opis balik....dier dah go for 2 weeks treatment.... tp still kene further treatment..... tp ok lah, dah boleh kerja...gaji pon jalan kan... ehehheehe. Alhamdulillah...
DFS Ep. 02 - Cara Hadapi Kereta Tenggelam
3 years ago
doctor ensem? :)
yer laaaaa....susah kan nak tgk doc ensem skang...
kalo ader pon...pakai spek, dah tua, muka serabai....hahahaaa
doc ensem hanya ada dalam cerita kat tv "cinta medik".. wakakaka
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