October 7, 2005

aapitz's mini meme...

The Rules:
1. Go into your archive.
2. Find your 23rd post.
3. Find the fifth sentence (or closest to).
4. Post the text of the sentence in your blog along with these instructions.
5. Tag five other people to do the same.

My sentence: I already put my honeymoon pics to Langkawi online...:)

This statement was made after my hubby and I had a great vacation on cruise to Langkawi during our 1st Anniversary.....ihiihihhh. 3 months to go for our 2nd anniversary.....aawww best nyer..best nyer.....iihihihih

Since all the people in my list have been tagged, I would like to tag : misterkilroy, azalea and carrelost


Aapitz Darling,

I had freeze my blog, then only I read your posts!! you tag me..thank you so much *muahs*. I will tell you here then what my 23rd post, 5th sentence word was:

The word was : "Have Children"

Ironic kan benda benda nie, ahah the posting was in my "The Oracle Has Spoken" section.

I will keep coming to your blogsite, only I dun feel like updating mine now, but my blog is not dead yet. It will returned :)

heloo to a dear friend aapitz,

It's been so long since my last visit here. How have u been lately? Masuk2 je dah kena tagged ok!! ... sabo je lah :P

Btw, hopefully it's not too late to wish ya Happy Fasting! Take care aite!


Thanks :) Padan lahh dah lama tak update blog...rupanyer dah freeze yer....hmmmm bz sgt yer...

Anyway, waiting for your comeback....muakkss

Thanks to you too :)

Life been good...ehhehehe. Anyway...selamat berpuasa to you too !